
Our hitting theory (2) The basic mechanics of puncher type

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   When you hit a punch like a boxer, you will not conscious to hip rotation and weight shift.  you will hit a punch directly from launch position in your consciousness.  But your motion in video will show you hip rotation and weight shift.  Your consciousness and image are defferent from actual movement.  This is characteristic of fast movement like batting or pitching.  And understanding of this issue is very important for mastering skills of  puncher's swing.

● Experiment about the basic mechanics of puncher type.

Put your weight on the back leg and set up your tophand in the launch position (as pictured).

Hit a punch directly from launch position.

Taking video this motion. And play the video to check your actual movement.

   Before your tophand accelerates forward, your body should move forward and your tophand should move back (as pictured).  In addition, your body movement (hip-rotation , weight-shift) should happen automatically while your tophand is in the acceleration phase.

   This is natural characteristics of human's movement.   Means that,  legs produce the power before the  hands when you try to accelerate the hands in your consciousness.  This movement happens by unconsciously.  It is only slightly moment, legs produce the power before hands do that.
   Specifically, back-leg presses the ground  by contraction of leg muscles. (as pictured)  Strictly speaking, your hip joint of  back leg is extended.
   By pressing the ground with your back leg, your body moves foward by the "ground reaction force". (as pictured)    And the same time, your tophand moves back by reaction of your body movement.(as pictured)

   The movement ( hands move back while steps foward) is thought to important by many hitting coaches.  This movement is called "load".  It looks like the drawing a bow movement.   But this common sense is reversed by our hitting theory.   Means that,  in puncher type's hitting mechanics, "draw a bow movement" is happen automatically.   You must not do the "draw a bow movement " in your consciousness.  Because in the "draw a bow movement ",  your gravity point moves foward. (as pictured)   If you can't keep your weight on basement leg,  you will not be able to hit hard.

   Please clarify the following differences.

 (a)Swing after "draw bow movement".  (b)"Draw bow movement" as a result of swing.

(a) is swinger type's theory. (b) is puncher type's theory.  This difference is provide a completely different for your swing.
   And this experiment teaches us the following facts.   If you try to swing from launch position ( hitting stance ) directly, all movement in the hitting mechanics happens automatically.   However, you must try to swing quickly for the Inducing to automatic movement.   Automatic movement does not happen if you swing like a slowmotion video.
   Automatic movement mean the natural movement for the human.   So hit hard and quick swing are important.

  The following is a summary of above article.

● It is important to start your swing directly from launch position ( hitting stance ).
● Hit hard & quick hands are the most important things for swing.
● Don't conscious to the detailed motion in your swing.   All of detailed motion in your swing is automatic motion.   and it is the the harmonized Phenomenon of natural providence.
● Don't take the "draw a bow movement " in your consciousness.   It is Unconscious movement that arises before the swing.

   At the end of this article.  I describes the following important things.  "Leading the swing with tophand" should not be conscious.   In the swing, you should not be conscious to the parts of your body.   You should have equally consciousness to whole your body.  You don't need have consciousness about  "what parts of your body is used in the swing".   "Swing with the bottomhand" is not the answer.   "Swing with the tophand" is not the answer too.  Even that "Swing with the hip rotation" is not answer.   Swing is sensuous movement.  And this sense is brought by the feeling of power ploduction.  This feeling is like a explosion.
   And hitting is not produced by hands or legs.  So you should not be conscious to using your hands or legs.   You should be conscious to using your bat for hitting a ball.   It is no matter which hands are important.
   Matter that should be conscious is " feeling of power production".   Matter that should be conscious is abstract factors.  And it is invisible.  For example, Center of gravity, Balance, Axis, etc.  Visible movements of " hands and legs or hip-joint "  are affected by invisible factors.  Simply stated, you should concentrate on hitting hard with good balance.  Hitting is so sensuous movement. And it is natural for human.

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